International Association of Certified Home Inspectors®
Certified Professional Inspector® and certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors® (InterNACHI®) NACHI12080807
A home inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a residential property (as delineated below), performed for a fee, which is designed to identify defects within specific systems and components defined by these Standards that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector.
The scope of work may be modified by the Client and Inspector prior to the inspection process.
- The home inspection is based on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions.
- The home inspection will not reveal every issue that exists or ever could exist, but only those material defects observed on the date of the inspection.
Mold Inspector
Molds are part of the natural environment. Outdoor molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided.
Proper inspection, health risks, and prevention should be considered. The three main types of tests for mold include air testing, surface testing or lift testing, and bulk testing, which are followed by laboratory analysis. Mold testing is best performed by a qualified mold professional. The only way to accurately assess the amount of mold in a home is to test for it.
Mold testing is outside of the scope of the home inspection as it requires specialized training, equipment, cosmetic damage when surface testing is performed, and laboratory analysis. Home inspectors also are not required to report on molds and mold-like substances. 
Certified Mold Assessment Consultant MAC1516 by TDLR
Septic Inspection
Septic inspections make sure that the system is operating as it should so that you and your family don’t get sick thanks to a leak or other problems. Septic systems treat and disperse relatively small volumes of wastewater from individual or small numbers of homes and commercial buildings. As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining your septic system. Proper septic system inspection and maintenance will help keep your system from failing and will help maintain your investment in your home.
Roof Inspector
A healthy roof is one of the secrets to battling leaks, mold, ventilation issues, and even high energy bills. Whether you're in escrow for a new home, recently weathered a rough storm, or simply want to confirm your roof is ready for the winter ahead, hiring a professional roofing expert is the way to go.
Different types of roofing materials require different areas of expertise to properly inspect for damage. For example, you’ll pay more to have a slate roof inspected than to have standard asphalt shingles inspected.
A roofing certification letter can be added to your inspection for an additional fee. This document is issued separately from the inspection report and provides an official estimate of the roof’s remaining lifespan and proof that it is free of defects. It is typically created when selling or refinancing a house for the following reasons:
- To provide potential buyers with proof of the roof’s remaining lifespan
- To fulfill the documentation requirements of some mortgage lenders
- For peace of mind
Water Quality
Drinking water quality varies from place to place, depending on the condition of the source water from which it is drawn and the treatment it receives. There is no such thing as naturally pure water. In nature, all water contains some impurities. You should regularly test the water you're drinking. A clean, constant supply of drinking water is essential to everyone.
Pools and Spas
If your home has a pool, spa, or hot tub, you should have it checked to insure there are no leaks or other safety hazards. Knowledge of your pool will help you know how to keep it in good repair. Significant costs, operations, maintenance, and safety factors are associated with the structural aspects and systems associated with owning and operating your pool. Having a detailed visual inspection and basic testing of the pool structures, systems, and equipment can help identify and mitigate the costs and risk factors associated with your pool and Spa.
$25,000 Honor Guarantee
$25,000 Honor Guarantee backed by InterNACHI
$InterNACHI® Buy-Back Guarantee
Ask your inspector about the Buy-Back guarantee
If your participating inspector misses a covered item, we'll buy your home. The inspection must be performed by an InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspector® already participating in the Buy-Back Program. InterNACHI® will pay you the purchase price, but you are responsible for any applicable fees and real estate commissions.
Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice
Infrared Thermography
An infrared survey is more quantitative in nature and uses infrared cameras and possible invasive processes to investigate the condition of the building/structure.
Infrared cameras detect thermal anomalies that help to determine different temperature levels and convert them into a film or video image. The images are used to interpret moisture, energy efficiency, insulation value, and more. Since Infrared is outside of the scope of a home inspection, most home inspectors typically do not have the tools or training to conduct and properly interpret infrared survey images.
FHA/HUD/VA Certified Home Inspector
For a Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veterans Administration (VA), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or Farmer Home Administration (FmHA) government-backed loan to be approved, the home may have to pass an inspection and appraisal by an approved representative of these agencies.
That means it must be worth the purchase price and have basics such as electricity, drinkable water, adequate heat, a stable roof, fire exits, and more. These inspections and appraisals are conducted to make sure the property is safe, secure, and sturdy enough to live in according to the requirements set by each of these agencies. Their requirements are baseline safety issues, though. An FHA/VA/HUD/FmHA inspector determines whether the property meets the standards set by the agency and lists whether any particular issues must be remedied before the agency can approve the loan. To protect the investment in a more certain capacity, homeowners should have a separate home inspection performed according to the ASHI Standard of Practice.
Certified FHA / HUD Inspector #Z338

WDO, "Wood Destroying Organisms" Inspector
WDI inspectors may require specialized training and/or certifications. WDI inspections are outside of the scope of the home inspection as it requires specialized training, certifications, or licensing in most municipalities and states. Home inspectors also are not required to report on wood-destroying organisms. Wood-destroying insects and other organisms can cause serious problems in the wood structural components of a house and may go undetected for a long period of time. Subterranean termites are the most damaging insects of wood.